As most of you know, when Michael and I moved to Louisiana, we sold most of our stuff so it would not cost so much to move. We have replaced most of the stuff we sold, but we still did not have a dryer. We were going to the laundry mat once a week and spending all day there. We had decided we would buy a dryer when we got our tax return. Well, two weeks ago Michael was walking Buster while I was at work and he saw a dryer sitting on the side of the road to be trown away. As he got closer to the dryer he saw it was indeed in good shape. He knocked on the door of the owner and asked it they were going to throw it away and the person told him that it took a really long time to dry stuff and they were just going to buy a new one. Michael asked if he could have it and they said yes. When he got it home, he pluged it up to see if he could fix it and as soon as he turned it on, a huge pile of lint shot out the back of it. It was just clogged with lint and now it works like a dream! Thank you Lord for giving us a dryer!

WHAT an amazing blessing! I love it when God provides in such a clear way- there's no doubt He did it and then He gets all the glory!
I know! I thank Him everday...what a mighty God we serve!
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